1. b
2. e
3. a
4. h
5. c
6. j
7. d
8. f
9. i
10. g
среда, 16 декабря 2009 г.
вторник, 15 декабря 2009 г.
The ad.

Only 14-18 December! In all Rimi centres in our country are days of potato chips Lay’s !!!
We have very big discounts for different sorts of Lay’s! You can buy your favourite chips (TV PACK!)
for only 7 EEK.! Have you ever seen price like this?! But this is not all!!! Also you will have a discount
if you buy 3 packs together! ( you can choose Lay’s of different sorts) This is very good offer! The price of
3 packs of Lay’s is 15 EEK!!! Don’t miss the opportunity!!! All Rimi centres wait you!
Конституция 9б класса.
Конституция 9б класса Таллиннской Кесклиннаской Русской гимназии.
Ученики 9б класса Таллиннской Кесклиннаской Русской гимназии, выражая твёрдую волю укреплять и развивать наш класс, который создан по праву и вступил в действие 01 сентября 2001 года, который является частью Таллиннской Кесклиннаской Русской гимназии, который призван усердно и старательно учиться общеклассным голосованием 14 декабря 2009 года, принял следующую Конституцию.
ГЛАВА ПЕРВАЯ Общие положения
Статья 1
9б класс - один из классов Таллиннской Кесклиннаской Русской гимназии, где носителем верховной власти является Сергей Генрикович Теплов.
Статья 2
9б класс Таллиннской Кесклиннаской Русской гимназии - единое и неделимое целое.
Статья 3
Деятельность старосты класса, редколлегии класса, а также учеников, отвечающих за различные мероприятия, происходящие в классе, осуществляются по принципу разделения и сбалансирования обязанностей класса.
Статья 4
Официальным языком, на котором разговаривают ученики нашего класса, является русский язык.
Статья 5
9б класс находится под руководством Елены Францевны Заворы.
ГЛАВА ВТОРАЯ Основные права и обязанности
Статья 6
Каждый ученик нашего класса имеет право называться учеником 9б класса Таллиннской Кесклиннаской Русской гимназии.
Статья 7
Школьные правила и обязанности распространяются в равной степени на каждого ученика 9б класса Таллиннской Кесклиннаской Русской гимназии.
Статья 8
Каждый из учеников 9б класса Таллиннской Кесклиннаской русской гимназии имеет право на высказывание своего личного мнения.
Статья 9
Ученикам 9б класса строго запрещается нарушать права или покушаться на честь или доброе имя кого бы то ни было. ( учеников, учителей, администрации и др. лиц)
Статья 10
Каждый ученик 9б класса имеет право на самореализацию.
Статья 11
Никто из учеников 9б класса не может быть осуждён за то или иное деяние, если это деяние не признаётся преступлением законом, действовавшим в момент совершения этого деяния.
Статья 12
Каждый из учеников 9б класса имеет право на первую медицинскую помощь со стороны медработников школы.
Статья 13
Ученики 9б класса имеют право на свободное передвижение по территории школы.
Статья 14
Каждый имеет право постараться вступить в коллектив нашего класса.
Статья 15
Каждый из учеников 9б класса обладает свободой совести, вероисповедания и мысли.
Статья 16
Каждый из учеников нашего класса имеет право быть информированным о всех новостях школы, а также нашего класса, которые распространяются на всеобщее обозрение.
Статья 17
Каждый из учеников 9б класса имеет право сохранить свою национальную принадлежность.
ЗАКОН 9Б КЛАССА О введении в действие Конституции
Статья 1
Конституция вступает в силу на следующий день после её принятия.
Статья 2
Настоящий Закон и Конституция приняты 14 декабря 2009 года. Закон вступает в силу одновременно с Конституцией.
Изменения в Закон О введении в действие Конституции могут быть внесены в порядке, предусмотренном для внесения изменений в Конституцию.
Ученики 9б класса Таллиннской Кесклиннаской Русской гимназии, выражая твёрдую волю укреплять и развивать наш класс, который создан по праву и вступил в действие 01 сентября 2001 года, который является частью Таллиннской Кесклиннаской Русской гимназии, который призван усердно и старательно учиться общеклассным голосованием 14 декабря 2009 года, принял следующую Конституцию.
ГЛАВА ПЕРВАЯ Общие положения
Статья 1
9б класс - один из классов Таллиннской Кесклиннаской Русской гимназии, где носителем верховной власти является Сергей Генрикович Теплов.
Статья 2
9б класс Таллиннской Кесклиннаской Русской гимназии - единое и неделимое целое.
Статья 3
Деятельность старосты класса, редколлегии класса, а также учеников, отвечающих за различные мероприятия, происходящие в классе, осуществляются по принципу разделения и сбалансирования обязанностей класса.
Статья 4
Официальным языком, на котором разговаривают ученики нашего класса, является русский язык.
Статья 5
9б класс находится под руководством Елены Францевны Заворы.
ГЛАВА ВТОРАЯ Основные права и обязанности
Статья 6
Каждый ученик нашего класса имеет право называться учеником 9б класса Таллиннской Кесклиннаской Русской гимназии.
Статья 7
Школьные правила и обязанности распространяются в равной степени на каждого ученика 9б класса Таллиннской Кесклиннаской Русской гимназии.
Статья 8
Каждый из учеников 9б класса Таллиннской Кесклиннаской русской гимназии имеет право на высказывание своего личного мнения.
Статья 9
Ученикам 9б класса строго запрещается нарушать права или покушаться на честь или доброе имя кого бы то ни было. ( учеников, учителей, администрации и др. лиц)
Статья 10
Каждый ученик 9б класса имеет право на самореализацию.
Статья 11
Никто из учеников 9б класса не может быть осуждён за то или иное деяние, если это деяние не признаётся преступлением законом, действовавшим в момент совершения этого деяния.
Статья 12
Каждый из учеников 9б класса имеет право на первую медицинскую помощь со стороны медработников школы.
Статья 13
Ученики 9б класса имеют право на свободное передвижение по территории школы.
Статья 14
Каждый имеет право постараться вступить в коллектив нашего класса.
Статья 15
Каждый из учеников 9б класса обладает свободой совести, вероисповедания и мысли.
Статья 16
Каждый из учеников нашего класса имеет право быть информированным о всех новостях школы, а также нашего класса, которые распространяются на всеобщее обозрение.
Статья 17
Каждый из учеников 9б класса имеет право сохранить свою национальную принадлежность.
ЗАКОН 9Б КЛАССА О введении в действие Конституции
Статья 1
Конституция вступает в силу на следующий день после её принятия.
Статья 2
Настоящий Закон и Конституция приняты 14 декабря 2009 года. Закон вступает в силу одновременно с Конституцией.
Изменения в Закон О введении в действие Конституции могут быть внесены в порядке, предусмотренном для внесения изменений в Конституцию.
воскресенье, 13 декабря 2009 г.
What is fame?

The fame can be different. You can be famous, when everyone knows you as a star, or as a bad human, or as a human, who made something fantastic. Before you become famous you must work a lot or you must do something, what everybody will know. A lot of people dream to be famous, to be a star, many of them think that to be famous is easy: you don't work a lot. But they err.
To be famous is very difficult. I think that fame on the one hand is good, but on the other hand it is terrible. In my opinion it is cool when everybody knows you, your photos are in magazines, your name sounds everywhere, but the fame is terrible, because you should be beautiful everywhere, you shouldn't show your negative emotions sometimes.
When I was smaller I dreamed to be famous, but today I don't know. On one way I want to have a fame, on the second way I don't want to be famous. But I still think that fame is good.
четверг, 10 декабря 2009 г.
вторник, 8 декабря 2009 г.
The article about our school.

the humanities and only boys learned real subjects in our school. There was a lot of hobby groups ( literary group, astronomic group, group of nature lovers and other). There are a lot of famous people learned in TKVG. The first directror was Gregory Barhov. Nowadays the head of our school is Sergey Teplov. He is the tenth directror.
There are many actions because shool's birthday. In Friday we had sport day. Today we went to the cathedral where was public liturgy for TKVG.
I think that we should be proud that we learn in TKVG. We should know the history of our school and respect it.
среда, 25 ноября 2009 г.
A report.

To: the School Magazine
From: Nadezda Pupina
Date: 24.11.09
Subject: The local transport situation
Tallinn is a town in the north of Estonia. It is a capital of our country. The aim of this report is to examine the transport situation in our town.
There are several positive things.
a) We have good roads.
b) I like buses and trains in our town.
c) I like that bus station is next to our house. It is very comfortable for me. :)
d) We have many zebra crossings. I think that pedestrian areas are very important in traffic. We don't have many road accidents because we have quite many pedestrian areas.
e) Pensioners, children under seven years old and children from large families have free pass in our town.
However, there are many things which could be improved.
a) Although buses in our town are quite good, we would can have more comfortable transport.
b) Although we have quite few road accidents, it must be fewer. All drivers must to be attentive.
c) Although our town is capital of Estonia, Tallinn is very small town. I think we have many cars for our area. Air pollution is one of the biggest problems nowadays.
d) Sometimes there are some traffic jams in the center of our town.
To sum up, on the one hand we don't have many problems with traffic in our town. On the other hand, the local councils need to do some changes about traffic.
четверг, 19 ноября 2009 г.
Traffic problems in our country.

We don't have big traffic cones. In my opinion this is very big plus. In many big countries this is really problem to get to work. One of the problems is accidents on the roads. In Estonia is not many accidents, but everyone must remember rules on the roads and drivers must be very attentive. I think we have guite few zebra crossing!
In my opinion our country don't have many problems in traffic. I think that we have good roads.
вторник, 10 ноября 2009 г.
If i were the Minister of Transport.

In my opinion, the minister of transport is very important person in our country. Many people use social transport like: trams, buses and trolleys. Almost every day I go to school by bus, so the problem of transport is important for me.
I don' t want to be the Minister of transport because I think that it is very difficult job.
You should control a work of all transportes in your country!
If I were the Minister of transport I would do a lot of changes.
1.I would do the free fare: for children, students, grown-ups and pensioners.
2.I would do more comfortable buses, trolleys and trams.
3.In all transport I would do special seats for pensioners and mothers with small children.
4.For all children and students I would do special school buses.
5.Some buses would go more often.
6.Many transports would work all night long.
When I dream about my future work, i don't think that I will be the Minister of Transport. I don't know it is really interesting or not.
May be it is cool when you can publish rules and all transports in your country will do as you say. But I think it is very responsible job.
Only clever person can work as Minister of Transport.
вторник, 3 ноября 2009 г.
Car of my dream.

I am not interested in this theme, but I want to have my own
car in future. Now I can only imagine. I want black car. This
is not my favourite colour, but for some reason I like black cars.
It must be big, comfortable and beautiful machine.
I can't exactly say name of this car. Above all that this machine
would be multifunctional. In this machine must be all conditions for
life.(for example, comfortable sittings, mini-kitchen and other) It must
be very cosy car and I want that it would be comfortable
for extreme trips. I think that this car would be very expensive.
понедельник, 2 ноября 2009 г.
My personal news.
Life is very interesting thing. It doesn't stop on one place. Our life goes every second, minute, hour, day, month, year. Changes must be in our life. If we don't have changes, we don't live. In our life are always a lot of news: doing homework, watching TV, communication with some people. There are not global, big news in our life, so we don't notice them. At the moment in my life aren't big news, so I'll tell about some small news for me.
On this autumn holidays I did some conclusions. I understood that I really want in this life, which people are important for me, which subjects I must learn better for my life. 24.11.09-26.11.09 I went to Novgorod with my classmates. Some new interesting things were learned and many beautiful places were watched by me. On Tuesday I met new friend. Her name is Oksana. She is very wonderful and funny person. She is 15 years old. On holidays many films were watched by me. They were really great.
There are the biggest news what were on my holidays.
On this autumn holidays I did some conclusions. I understood that I really want in this life, which people are important for me, which subjects I must learn better for my life. 24.11.09-26.11.09 I went to Novgorod with my classmates. Some new interesting things were learned and many beautiful places were watched by me. On Tuesday I met new friend. Her name is Oksana. She is very wonderful and funny person. She is 15 years old. On holidays many films were watched by me. They were really great.
There are the biggest news what were on my holidays.
понедельник, 19 октября 2009 г.
Story. Picture № 3.

Once upon a time was a boy. His name was John. He very loved sweets. On his 15th birthday he ate a lot of candies, cookies and cakes. After that he became pimply. It was found that he had an allergy to sweets. He was very mad. His doctor prescribed a treatment for him. Boy couldn't eat sweets for 3 months! There was very bad news for him. But John had strength of will. He didn't eat sweets and after 3 months of treatment he became healthy.For this reason he decided to organize holiday for himself. He ate a lot of sweets again. Now he is pimply. He doesn't eat sweets. He is sure that he won't eat sweets again anywhen.:)
воскресенье, 18 октября 2009 г.

One woman asked her son to look after her kiosk. Boy agreed. His mum said: '' Remember, what on wrapper, this is in wrapper!'' When mother
came, boy has been eating for 20 minutes a lot of cookies.
He has been sitting with smile face and talking: ' What on wrapper, this is in wrapper''. On wrapper were bitten cookies.

пятница, 9 октября 2009 г.
Horror story.

It was sunny warm summer day. I woke up at 7 a.m. The weather was really great. I decided to phone to my friends. At 3 p.m. I with my friends: Mary, Kate, John and Jack went to the forest for picnic.
We bought a lot of tasty food. We came to the forest. All day we walked in forest, picked berries and ate sausages. We didn't notice how the night came. It became dark very fast. It was very strange, because it was summer day. We decided to stay the night in the forest. John loved music and he always carried guitar. We sat around the fire and became to sing the songs. After that we became to eat sausages and to listen the radio. The man from radio station spoke about the day news. He said that in forest in our city is maniac. In a few hour's time we decided to come to sleep.
Mary noticed that she lost her mobile phone. She with John became to look for it. I, Kate and Jack went to sleep. Suddenly we heard a Mary crying. We remembered about news that we heard about maniac. It was terrible! I with Jack went in search of her. It was very dark.. We searched so long, but we didn't see Mary. Suddenly we heard snapping of twigs. I got a scare... Between trees was a light! After some minutes I understood it was Mary's mobile phone! After we became to look for Mary. Jack saw that someone lay on the grass. It was Mary... She was unconscious... When we brought her to senses she said that she didn't remember nothing. She looked for his phone, later someone struck her a blow..
Suddenly I woke up... It was 7 a.m. It was only a terrible slumber.
пятница, 2 октября 2009 г.
Marley & me.

This film is about Grogan and his family's life during the thirteen years. Their family lives in Florida. Grogan bought for his wife a dog. They named him Marley. Marley is uncontrolled dog. In the film Grogan said that Marley is the worst dog in the world, but all family loved him. There were a lot of interesting events with family and Marley. Unfortunately, finally dog dies. This film is with very sad end. In the end of this film is very sad, beautiful music. It great shows that heroes feel. Dialogues in this film are very nice too. The funniest scene (for me) is scene where family travels to Ireland, leaving the dog in the care of a young woman who finds him impossible to control.
It is very good film for me.
понедельник, 28 сентября 2009 г.
Life story.
One woman tells:
Around the turn of the century were years of my youth. There were best years of my life: full of love, positive. Our family didn't have much money, therefore we lived in crowded flat. I lived with my mother, father, sister and two brothers. There were difficult years for us. My father was great tailor, but company where he worked bankrupted. We didn' t have rich relations, all our relations were poor. We helped for each other. Our family was very friendly, therefore we did all together.
Once I walked in the park alone. I sat on the bench. On the bench was beautiful book. Someone forgot it. I opened this book. It was about variety shows. I always dreamed to go to variety show, but I didn't have money. I studied in the university. I didn't have part-time job. My mother and father had few money. They were only for clothes and food. I liked candy, but I didn't have pocket money and I couldn't to buy them. Therefore variety show stayed only my dream. In the end of the book was owner's name and phone. I decided to phone to owner. It was found that owner of this book was man. He offered to meet with me in the restaurant where I will return book.
I came to restaurant. I didn' think that I will eat something. I didn't have money. I met with owner of the book. It was young man. He was very beautiful. We didn' t eat in restaurant, only spoke. I thought that he didn' t have money too. He was very interesting man. I gave my phone to him. After that we became to walk with him every evening. He was amazing. I liked him very much. Once he invited me to a meeting. I came to restaurant. He led me somewhere. We came to variety show. He paid for me. The show was amazing! Appeared, that he is very rich man and he organised all variety shows! After show we went to the park. There he said to me that he loves me.
Later we married.
One woman tells:
Around the turn of the century were years of my youth. There were best years of my life: full of love, positive. Our family didn't have much money, therefore we lived in crowded flat. I lived with my mother, father, sister and two brothers. There were difficult years for us. My father was great tailor, but company where he worked bankrupted. We didn' t have rich relations, all our relations were poor. We helped for each other. Our family was very friendly, therefore we did all together.
Once I walked in the park alone. I sat on the bench. On the bench was beautiful book. Someone forgot it. I opened this book. It was about variety shows. I always dreamed to go to variety show, but I didn't have money. I studied in the university. I didn't have part-time job. My mother and father had few money. They were only for clothes and food. I liked candy, but I didn't have pocket money and I couldn't to buy them. Therefore variety show stayed only my dream. In the end of the book was owner's name and phone. I decided to phone to owner. It was found that owner of this book was man. He offered to meet with me in the restaurant where I will return book.
I came to restaurant. I didn' think that I will eat something. I didn't have money. I met with owner of the book. It was young man. He was very beautiful. We didn' t eat in restaurant, only spoke. I thought that he didn' t have money too. He was very interesting man. I gave my phone to him. After that we became to walk with him every evening. He was amazing. I liked him very much. Once he invited me to a meeting. I came to restaurant. He led me somewhere. We came to variety show. He paid for me. The show was amazing! Appeared, that he is very rich man and he organised all variety shows! After show we went to the park. There he said to me that he loves me.
Later we married.
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